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15th Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference 2024

Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee

May 29-31, 2024
POCUS: Meet the experts – 1 on 1 ultrasound teaching
Thursday May 30, 2024
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How to Have a Good Day at Work
Thursday May 30, 2024
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‘Slidedesign’: How to make your presentation look awesome
Thursday May 30, 2024
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Interactive Talk show: Now we’re talking bussiness!
Thursday May 30, 2024
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“Appropriate Care” at the Emergency Department. What do you think that should be?
Friday May 31, 2024
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‘Oh no…my teeth! How to handle dental emergencies’
Friday May 31, 2024
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Beyond code status: palliative care begins in the emergency department
Friday May 31, 2024
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POCUS: Meet the experts – 1 on 1 ultrasound teaching

For each participant we provide intensive 1 on 1 teaching and supervision in basic and advanced point of care sonography by an international and experienced staff. All subjects can be teached upon request of the participant. Upon stating their learning goals participants will be coupled to the most suited instructor based on their wishes.

Examples are (but not limited to):

  • Basic applications (lung, basic cardiac, EFAST, aorta, IVC) with possibility to receive supervisioned scans or last minute training for Ultrasound exam
  • US guided blocks & procedures (wrist blocks, IV acces, PENG blocks, serratus anterior block, arthrocentesis etc)
  • Kidney, gallbladder ultrasound
  • Advanced cardiac applications
  • MSK ultrasound (shoulder, knee, ankle; ligemental leasions, effusions etc) skin infection/abscesses
Thursday May 30, 2024
Zaal 558
  • 10:30 – 12:00 h
  • 13:00 – 14:30 h
  • Steef van den Broek
  • Paul van Overbeeke
  • Rajat (Rip) Gangahar
  • Michael Trauer
  • Joris Datema
  • Prem Sharwan Sukul
  • Yvonne Admiraal- van de Pas
  • Nasim Azizi

How to Have a Good Day at Work

This is an interactive session looking at improving wellbeing and building connection between team members. I will discuss why this is important and introduce some exercises on how to do it.

The session will consist of 3 short talks which look at why wellbeing is important, how to use fun and creativity to improve wellbeing and connectivity and finally, why we are not engaging with wellbeing.

In between the talks I will introduce a variety of exercises including theatre warm up games and a drawing exercise which candidates can take back and use in their own departments or introduce at teaching sessions.

Thursday May 30, 2024
Zaal 401
  • 10:30 – 12:00 h
  • 13:00 – 14:30 h

Heidi Edmundson

‘Slidedesign’: How to make your presentation look awesome

Bring your laptop!

Do you want to learn how to captivate your audience? Then participate in the workshop ‘Slide design: How to make your presentation look awesome!’. In this workshop you will learn how to design your presentation with attractive slides!

We will work on the basic structure of a good slide, the use and balance of color, text and bullet points and the power of white space. You will also learn where and how to find attractive ánd royalty-free images and how to properly build them into your presentation. Useful animations and transitions are also discussed.

After this workshop you will have the tools to say goodbye to boring slides for good. You’ll learn how to confidently design a presentation that not only contains the right information, but also inspires!

Thursday May 30, 2024
Zaal 559
  • 10:30 – 12:00 h
  • 13:00 – 14:30 h

Liza Cornet

Interactive Talk show: Now we’re talking bussiness!

The future is now. Now is the time to discuss the important issues of the future. The acute care landscape is changing, how to deal with it? Is there an optimal scale for individual Emergency Departments to operate in the Dutch acute care system?

First of its kind during DEMC; A live Talk show with top of the bill speakers.

Confirmed speakers

  • Xander Koolman
  • Michiel Verkoulen
  • Jan-Willem Verlijsdonk
  • Pol Stuart
  • Menno Gaakeer
  • Inge de Wit
  • Joris Bengevoord
  • Birgitta Westgren
Thursday May 30, 2024
Zaal 522
  • 10:30 – 12:00 h
  • David Baden
  • Pol Stuart
  • Menno Gaakeer
  • Sander Mol

“Appropriate Care” at the Emergency Department. What do you think that should be?

Within our society we see an increasing demand for medical care and a continuous rise in medical costs due to our aging population and the continuous increase in medical treatment possibilities.
In order to assure good, accessible and affordable care the government has launched a campaign advocating “Appropriate care” (Passende Zorg). On the website of the Netherlands Care Institute this is described as: “Appropriate care lets healthcare professionals, patients’ organisations, health insurers and the government improve how care is provided and paid for.

But what does this mean for emergency care? What would “appropriate emergency care” encompass?

During this workshop we will try to answer these questions. Case based discussions will guide us through daily situations which we will examine through the perspective of “appropriate care,“ expectations from society, laws and protocols and our own ethical compass. We will discuss important themes such as:

  • how to keep the emergency department accessible for the “appropriate” patient?
  • how to implement shared decision making and offer patient tailored care?
  • how to prevent inappropriate diagnostics or treatments?

Together we will try to unwrap what we think “appropriate care” could or should mean for the emergency department. There is no right or wrong, but hopefully we will discover a common perspective that can help us all forward.

Friday May 31, 2024
Zaal 531
  • 10:30 – 12:00 h
  • Simone Dierckx
  • Martijn Hooft

‘Oh no…my teeth! How to handle dental emergencies’

Dental injuries are highly disabling and frequently encountered in emergency care. Unfortunately, only a few dentists and emergency physicians are well-versed in recognizing and treating such injuries. In this workshop, you will learn everything needed to handle dental trauma like a professional. Will you become an expert? Join us for this workshop where expertise and urgency converge.

Friday May 31, 2024
Zaal 559
  • 10:30 – 12:00 h
  • 13:00 – 14:30 h
  • Jasper van Dam
  • Michiel Gorzeman
  • Marjolijn Gilijamse
  • Fieke de Beukelaar

Beyond code status: palliative care begins in the emergency department

A 78-year-old-woman with advanced heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease presents to the emergency department (ED) with respiratory failure. In the ED she is placed on non-invasive ventilation and administered furosemide 80 mg iv. The workup is consistent with a new non-ST elevation myocardial infarction and heart failure exacerbation. Over the last six months she has had three hospital admissions and there is no advance care plan.

Sounds familiar, right?

The aging population is increasingly dying from chronic rather than acute illness. Approximately one third of all older patients will visit an Emergency Department (ED) in the last month of life.
With increasingly complex medical needs, these patients present with challenging complaints such as functional loss, bounce-back visits for uncontrolled symptoms, and caregiver fatigue. Early palliative intervention directly affects patients’ quality of life and use of the health care system and should be initiated in the ED.

Deelnemers leren interactief wat palliatieve zorg inhoudt en welke aspecten van belang zijn binnen de spoedeisende geneeskunde. Denk hierbij aan introductie van de Surprise Question en de Patient Dignity Question, proactieve zorgplanning en de rol van kwetsbaarheid.

Friday May 31, 2024
Zaal 558
  • 10:30 – 12:00 h
  • 13:00 – 14:30 h
  • Doutsje Idzenga
  • Meys Cohen
  • Mariëlle Spanjer
  • Maud Kamp
  • Joella Hopman
  • Harry Achterberg

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